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Document (class)

Contains information required to create a document.

This class is obsolete, we recommend using Note (class)


IdDocumentintegerDocument identifier
TypeDocument *DocumentTypeType of document, see more in DocumentType (enum)
StatusDocumentStatusStatus of document, see more in DocumentStatus (enum)
DateDocumentdateDocument date
ProspectCustomerbooleanIndicates if document owner is a prospect customer
PropertyCode *stringCode document owner, supplier or customer, according to the TypeDocument
InvoiceToCodestringCustomer who will go run the bill
StoreCodestringWarehouse code
ReferencestringReference text
DescriptionstringDescription text of document
NumberintegerNumber of document
SerialCodestringSeries code document
ObservationsstringDescription observations of document
ManagerCodestringCode of responsible employee
ProjectCodestringSet the code of project to which is attached
WorkingPartCodestringIndicates the code of working part which is adhered
RateCodestringIndicates the rate code to apply in the document
DeliveryDatabooleanSpecifies whether to include information delivery
DeliveryPersonstringContact for delivery
DeliveryNamestringName or company making the delivery
DeliveryAddressstringDelivery address
DeliveryCitystringDelivery city
DeliveryStatestringDelivery state
DeliveryCodeCountrystringDelivery country code
DeliveryZipCodestringPostal delivery
DeliveryPhonestringContact phone delivery
DeliveryFaxstringContact fax delivery
DeliveryEmailstringContact email delivery
DeliveryVATstringTax identification number to delivery
DeliveryDateExpecteddateDate expected delivery products
DeliveryDateCollectiondateIndicates when the transport agency will collect packages
TransportCodestringCode of transport agency
TransportWaystringDelivery method
TransportPaidbooleanIf transportation is paid
TransportPricedecimalAmount of transport
TransportPercentVATdecimalPercent of tax rate
TransportTruckDriverstringDriver Name
TransportTruckDriverIDstringDriver identification number
TransportTruckIDstringTruck registration ID
TransportTrailerIDstringTrailer registration ID
Paymentslist of DocumentPaymentCollect the payment forms of the document, see more in DocumentPayment (class)
Lines *list of DocumentLineIt stores the information of the lines of the document, see more in DocumentLine (class)

* Required to create a new document

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