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DocumentLine (class)

Contains information about the product lines needed to create a Document.

This class is obsolete, we recommend using Line (class)


TypeLine *DocumentLineTypeType of line, see more in DocumentLineType (enum)
NumOrderintegerNumber of order lines
Code *stringProduct code
NamestringName of product. If not indicated, is assigned to be reflected in the data sheet.
DescriptionstringProduct Description. If not indicated, is assigned to be reflected in the data sheet.
Quantity *decimalQuantity, units to be delivered
PhysicalUnitstringPhysical unit that identifies the quantity
PricedecimalProduct price
FindPricebooleanFind the price in the rate. Ignore the value in Price.
PercentDiscountdecimalPercent Discount
PercentVATdecimalPercent of tax rate
StoreCodestringWarehouse code
DeliveryDatedateDelivery date
ReferencestringIt indicates a free text
LogisticLineslist of DocumentLineLogisticCollect the logistic info of the line, see more in DocumentLineLogistic (class)

* Required to create a new document

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